Laureaci MTG 2018 | Grand Prix

Laureaci MTG 2018 | Grand Prix
Grand Prix of the International Print Triennial 2018
Karol Pomykała  | Poland
One Direction
linocut, VR | 2018 | 124 x 380 cm
Installation portrays infinite rows of figures lacking individual features. Thanks to the use of VR googles the viewer is entering the very middle of the crowd, immesing in it and becoming a part of the installation. It enables the viewer to almost tangibly feel the overwhelmingness and helplessness of the individual.  
Installation consists of a classic linocut print and contemporary technology represented by the virtual reality. It is a contradiction between the actual and the virtual, transposition of two-dimensional analogue print into three-dimensional computer generated world. The artist’s aim is to provide the viewer with a deeper immersion into this invented world and it is used to intensify the perception. 



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